Testimonial Category: Outplacement

It was an exciting couple of days; it’s really a different world looking for a job these days. It’s a fast-track training process, and it’s all about keeping up. But my application material has improved significantly, and it will be tested after our next meeting.


Thank you for all the help. After nine months without an interview, I received four within a few weeks, and I have now started a new job. It’s disappointing how headhunters work with candidates—lots of no responses, difficulty reaching them, and they’re not as smart as they think they are. Many thanks, Henrik




En hälsning från de två glada svenskarna. Jag är i jobb, kompisen är lite längre om det, men kommer nu till jobbintervju. När allt kommer till allt, är det ju inte så stor skillnad på danska och svenska, och tack för att ni justerade när vi inte riktigt förstod. Det var lite magiskt med de […]Continue reading


It’s complex, a lot has happened in a short time, and you’re right, it requires taking the time to understand things. It took me a little while to overcome my own resistance, I’m probably quite sceptical by nature. I found that what seemed complex became simpler, and now I’m fully engaged in job hunting, and […]Continue reading


It was an exciting time; we had ten hours together. I learned a great deal about myself, including how to talk about who I am and what I can do—it’s actually quite different from what I expected. The job market can be confusing, but the process was organised, and I was provided with tools and […]Continue reading


Efter at være blevet afskediget fra min 15-årige karriere følte jeg mig noget fortabt og overvældet. Det outplacement-program, jeg deltog i, var en livline. Deres personlige tilgang hjalp mig med at genopdage mine professionelle styrker og navigere i det moderne jobmarked. Inden for kort tid fik jeg et job. De hjalp mig ikke bare med […]Continue reading


I had the opportunity to participate in an outplacement session after an exhausting job search where I applied for over 170 positions without receiving any positive responses. It was a frustrating and disheartening experience, leaving me feeling uncertain about my future. However, my time with you guys was a game-changer. The training sessions were not […]Continue reading


Es ist nicht einfach, einen Job zu suchen, wenn man 61 Jahre alt ist, aber der Rekrutierungsprozess mit 4selection verlief reibungslos von Anfang bis Ende. Die Professionalität, das Fachwissen und das Engagement des Teams waren in jeder Phase offensichtlich. Dank ihrer fachkundigen Anleitung habe ich einen Job gefunden, der mich nicht nur fordert, sondern auch […]Continue reading

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