Tag: Asia

Example #1 IKEA  IKEA seeks to equalise wages, benefits, and experience for its part- and full-time workers in Japan. Previously, local regulations required part- and full-time workers to have different compensation and benefits structures, but this presented challenges to IKEA’s operations as the company relies on a large share of part-time workers. In response, IKEA […]Continue reading


Earlier this year, EngageRocket, in collaboration with the Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP) and the Singapore HR Institute (SHRI), has launched the National Employee Experience Transformation (NEXT) programme for Singaporean companies to tap into people analytics to improve employee well-being and experience. Since its launch on March 17, 2021, over 130,000 responses from thousands of […]Continue reading


Covid-19 has completely re-drawn the very definition of workforce mobility. Restrictions and uncertainty have created a new barrier when it comes to work relocations – with cross-border travelling is perceived as not being safe in general. The emergence of nationalistic policies and tighter immigration regulations are enhanced across key economies. In this scene, virtual working […]Continue reading


Japanese policymakers are stepping up calls to raise the country’s minimum wage as part of a strategy to ensure households can boost consumption and revitalise the economy when COVID-19 curbs are removed and vaccines are rolled out. Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Wednesday it was hard to reenergize the economy with monetary easing alone, […]Continue reading


The world has changed dramatically after the Industrial Revolution in 1760. Many inventions have been made and enabled massive development for humanity, with a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and more. This progress, however, comes with a price. As the world and businesses start to […]Continue reading


Ageism is widespread worldwide and stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination based on age have only been amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic, the United Nations has said. The coronavirus crisis has wreaked a devastating toll on older people, and solidarity between the generations will be crucial to the global recovery, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. In a […]Continue reading

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