Terms and Conditions: Candidates

Last updated: February 26, 2024 at 22:01 pm

Privacy Policy related to recruiting of candidates, keeping/storing working and deletion of a candidates data CandidateDatabank by 4Selection.com have in file:

Candidatedatabank.com is a website related to and owned by 4Selections.com that profiles vacant posted positions. Candidatedatabank by 4Selection.com adheres to the rules established by 4Selection.

11 min read

When applying for a job in CandidateDatabank by 4selection.com, you will provide us with personal information about yourself, such as contact information, education, former employment, etc.

You have the discretion to furnish us with information, and we strongly advise against disclosing any sensitive personal details, including but not limited to religious affiliation, health status, sexual orientation, political convictions, age, marital status, and parental responsibilities. If there are additional aspects you believe may fall within this category, please ensure they are appropriately considered.

We do not select in relation to these highlighted areas.

There is a requirement in the legislation for a journaling obligation, which includes that we, as a company, must ensure the right way in, related to receiving applications, curriculum vitae, private documents, or, in short, everything that a candidate sends to us.

As a result, we must ensure that all documents arrive through candidatedatabank.com; we will only approve applications received via this channel, deleting all other receipts and materials immediately.

It is critical because we must be able to testify in front of the Danish Data Protection Authority about how we work with your data.

Just as we must be able to prove that everything has been deleted according to the framework we have from the data protection authority or deleted because a candidate wants data to be deleted, this makes it a bit “square,” but it is now for the best to protect the candidate.

It is the only material received via the website candidatedatabank.com that we approve and involve in our work!

If you are offered a position with 4selection.com or with one of our clients, CandidateDatabank by 4selection.com, you may be subject to a background check for us to be compliant with client requests.

As part of our recruitment structure, we ask candidates to present a valid photo ID and see their original diplomas. All candidates go through this process.

We work with reference checks and communicate with your former employers, and we will at some point ask you to come up with a list of references for former employers, managers, and colleagues. We kindly request that you please inform us of your relationship with those involved. We ask you to find the name, email, and contact number of those references.
After we request permission from your references via email to contact them and provide feedback on your work experience at the relevant company, in order to maintain confidentiality, our advisers compile references into a comprehensive report.

We reserve the right to reject a candidate who we believe does not match the job description and the person profile we have prepared together with our client.

When you submit your application, you give your consent to this process. We will only collect this information with your consent.

We will process your information for the purpose of recruitment and internal analysis of applications, e.g., with regard to diversity.

Our psychologists occasionally use a variety of occupational psychology tests and evaluations upon request from the client. Any psychological testing or analysis that is part of the training will be disclosed to you. The recruiting manager and the company, which is our client, need your approval of the result.

You consent that you are informed that this can be a part of the process and that you will join the psychology tests and evaluations if asked.

We make sure that you have received a summary of the test or analysis results just after. We offer to conduct this verbally. We do not offer a written report.

Only our advisors with specific certifications use these instruments, which are typical of psychologists.

We will keep your information for as long as we find it relevant, no longer than 12 months.

Of course, you can request that your data be erased. For the purpose of proving to the data protection authority that your data has been erased, we only retain your email address, first name, and last name.

As part of our recruitment process, it may be necessary to transfer candidate applications and CVs from European Union (EU) countries may be required to be transferred to countries outside the EU. We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant data protection laws to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data during such transfers.

Before transferring any personal data outside the EU, we obtain explicit consent from the candidate involved. This consent includes acknowledgment and understanding that their personal information may be subject to different data protection standards in the receiving country. Candidates have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, which may impact their candidature or employment with the company.

Our organisation takes all necessary measures to ensure that the transfer of candidate data complies with applicable data protection regulations and safeguards their privacy and confidentiality. We use data transfer mechanisms, such as standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules, to ensure adequate protection for transferred personal data.

We are committed to transparency and accountability in handling candidate information, and we strive to uphold the highest standards of data protection and privacy in all recruitment activities.

When sharing information with individuals or organisations outside of our company, we refer to this as disclosure to third parties.

We may share your personal data within the CandidateDatabank by the 4selection.com group of companies if we have a legitimate reason to do so.

Your personal data may also be shared with third parties who provide services to us, e.g., consultants, hosting providers, recruitment agencies, and background screening providers.

For the sake of our candidates, it is not possible to contact us by telephone and ask about where you are in the recruitment process.

Sometimes our clients wish to maintain their anonymity; however, a candidate will be informed of the company’s name in the event that the candidate is to be presented to our client.

We maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, damage, or other violations of the provisions of applicable law. We require our service providers to maintain the same standards.

Our advisers use laptops stored in classified safes, which are also secured with up to two login security systems. It is only the two advisors who work on the case who have access to the candidate’s documents, and have access to information regarding our client.

You are welcome to contact us to learn more about the personal data we process about you. You have the right to rectify any inaccurate information that is processed.
You may always request to have information about you deleted.

If you feel the need to lodge a complaint about CandidateDatabank’s processing of your data, this can be done by contacting the 4Selections GDPR Data Officer.

4Selection’s database is compliant with regulations and legislation issued by the Danish Data Protection Authority’s regulations and legislation. We will try to find a valid solution if any problems occur. Eventually, problems will be handled by the Danish legal system. The cord is in Copenhagen.

4Selection is a registered company in Denmark with a registered company number. DK-29741239. Our permission to have a recruitment company governed by Danish and European legislation. Danish Data Protection Agency approval/reg number: 2006-46-0353.

Datatilsynet – The Danish Data Protection Agency:
Link: https://www.datatilsynet.dk/english

The legal basis of our processing is the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 6.1(a) based on your consent and 6.1(f), which allows us to process your data to the extent that processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by us.

Our legitimate interest is to find the right candidate for an open position and to analyse the applications in order to ensure diversity, the right professional competencies, etc.

The key laws related to data protection in the European Union (EU) and Denmark are:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): This regulation is the primary legislation governing data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Danish Data Protection Act (Databeskyttelsesloven): This national legislation in Denmark supplements the GDPR and provides additional regulations and guidelines for data protection within the country.

In addition to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there are other laws and regulations within the European Union (EU) that relate to data protection and privacy.
Some of these include:

ePrivacy Directive (also known as the Cookie Law): This directive focuses on privacy and electronic communications and sets rules for the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies.

Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive): This directive supplements the GDPR and addresses specific issues related to the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) This is the full name of the GDPR, which I mentioned earlier.

The URLs typed out for each law or directive:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):


Danish Data Protection Act (Databeskyttelsesloven):


ePrivacy Directive:


Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive):


If you have any questions, please contact us at: gdpr@4selection.com

Edvard Grieg’s Gade 7,
2100 Copenhagen OE
Website: www.4selection.com
Office hours are by appointment.
We love to talk, find phone here!
Monday to Friday, 10 a.m – 5 p.m.
Danish time zone.

4Selection is a registered company in Denmark with a registered company number. DK-29741239. Our permission to have a recruitment company governed by Danish and European legislation. Danish Data Protection Agency approval/reg number: 2006-46-0353.

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