Tag: ham

Organisations spend $370.3 billion globally on learning and development training in 2019, but was it worth it?  Let’s consider these data first, according to several researches:  75 percent of 1,500 managers surveyed across 50 organisations were dissatisfied with their company’s learning and development function. 70 percent of employees reported that they do not have mastery […]Continue reading


The Co-CEO or Joint Chief Executives model of leadership, formally termed the dual-governance or shared governance structures, is among the more uncommon leadership arrangements. It is where the position of CEO is shared and distributed among two or more individuals. But for a company, is it beneficial to have two people sharing leadership versus a […]Continue reading


HR is about to be ‘Ubered’. As technology continues to infiltrate our lives, today’s people-savvy line manager is building a lasting relationship with ‘eFriends’ and ‘Advisers’.  Skilled at all aspects of social media, managers are embracing the changing social expectations of employees and are now engaging better than any HR professional can do. In short, […]Continue reading


Most Asians think of Germany as the “Japan of Europe”. Polite people, great technology and excellent beer. But there’s more to Germany than that. The industrial powerhouse of Europe, and is a leading manufacturer of goods for export to developing Asian nations, Germany has a reputation for engineering and technology. The EU’s economic engine, Germany […]Continue reading


Uncertainties are currently plaguing the global economy and a firm’s economic viability, thus creating seismic shifts in the nature of work on an individual level. The uncertainties have also presented a variety of new challenges in engaging employees for organisational performance.  The challenges in inspiring employee engagement and achieving both job satisfaction and organisationally relevant […]Continue reading

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