Tag: ham

Many people have been pending and even canceling their travel plans due to the pandemic, including the business-related ones. Throughout 2020, the world can see that travels have been limited to contain the spread of Covid-19. But now with restrictions relaxed and organisations are resuming their operations, there is an increment in business travels. Today, […]Continue reading


Team’s performance and productivity fluctuates from time to time for all sorts of reasons, such as overworked or overwhelming responsibilities at a time. Scott Anthony, the managing partner of Innosight and author of The First Mile, pointed out that every employee is day-by-day monitoring the same data, interacting with same people, and having same conversations, […]Continue reading


Question: According to Barco’s survey, employees no longer find remote working fun due to various reasons. So, what can leaders do if they want to make remote arrangements permanent? Answer: Many organisations have benefited from their employees working remotely and, hybrid working arrangements will be the norm. Flexible workplace schedules should be implemented to allow […]Continue reading

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