Q & A Candidate
4selection works quite differently from most recruitment and headhunting companies, which is why we also have these Q&As for candidates, which we ask you to read, preferably before you send us your material.
This is also the cooperation framework we have between 4selection and the individual candidate. When you submit an application via our website, you give your consent that you have read, understood, and accepted these cooperation rules.
“We feel it is very important to note that we do not select based on age, and we do not accept this as a factor defined by our clients. We also do not discriminate based on race, skin colour, religion, sexual relations, political beliefs, disability status, or whether one has children or not. We select candidates based on their overall amount of relevant talent, focusing on whether we believe the candidate can succeed in the job.”
We have a strong focus on our professionalism, and we want everyone to be judged on the basis of the job profile we have drawn up. Of course, all candidates are different.
We do not offer extra information, extra dialogues, or question-and-answer meetings before a candidate has been selected to participate in our interview process.
In this way, everyone is treated equally.
We work globally; we receive applications from all corners of the world, but we also have a lot of local rules and guidelines related to visas and work stays that are quite different from country to country.
Something is possible; something else is highly unlikely to be possible or/and cannot be done.
For example, it is very difficult for most job types to get the opportunity to travel to Denmark; it is probably one of the most difficult countries to get a visa and work permit in.
Our experience is that it is very difficult for candidates who do not have an EU passport to come to, for example, Denmark.
We naturally follow Danish and EU legislation for this, and it will often require quite a lot of work in cases where a special position category may have this option. Here, it is our client who chooses whether to choose a candidate who perhaps can or cannot obtain a visa or residence permit. Danish legislation is very strict.
4selection does not provide a financial guarantee for candidates who may visit the country in relation to a recruitment process. 4selection does not pay upfront for flight tickets or hotels for a candidate; this must be settled between the candidate and our client. Any expenses must be authorised by our client beforehand in writing.
Read more here:
Work in Denmark: https://www.workindenmark.dk/
Work place Denmark: https://workplacedenmark.dk/regulations-on-posting/residence-and-work-permit/
We value our client’s confidentiality as much as we value our candidate’s confidentiality.
We do not inform our candidates about the actual company in question.
We do not offer our clients to see all the candidates, and we ensure that you, as a candidate, are asked, in the event that we think you match what the company is looking for, before we give your details to our client. At this point, you will also be informed about the company’s identity, so you feel it also match you, the client.
We only receive applications sent via our job portal candidatedatabank.com; all other applications will not be included in the selection. As a recruitment company, we have a responsibility to ensure that both Danish and European legislation is fully complied with, whereby the application flow must take place through the job portal, where you simultaneously give your consent.
We don’t ask about (we don’t select on): Religious affiliation, membership in, for example, a trade union, sexual preferences, whether the candidate has or does not have children, whether the candidate expects to have children or not—we do not ask about girl/boyfriends, genders. We are totally gender-neutral.
We do not ask about your health, only if it is, for example, physically hard work. It is important that you can perform this, or if there is a requirement that you obtain approval for travel insurance or expatriate insurance. In these cases, dialogue will take place between you and the insurance company.
We do not ask or select on your age. On the one hand, it’s certainly not legal, and on the other hand, it’s not a decisive factor in our opinion.
We follow The Danish discrimination act (forskelsbehandlingsloven) and it’s against the law for potential employers to ask for information about the age of applicants in connection with job applications.
In Asia, for example, age is seen as an advantage, as companies often want employees with long and solid work experience.
We have had situations where an employee has to work in a country that represents a difference from the candidate. Here we have seen that the country you are arriving in can ask different questions in their visa and work permit, which can directly or indirectly cause you to gain entry into a country. We mention this as it is the case for individual countries in the world.
It is certainly not information or data that we can advise on; this is a matter between the individual person and the individual country.
Some of our clients make use of occupational psychologist recruitment tests and analyses, as well as different forms of background checks. Here, we would like to ask if you will participate in these tests and analyses, as well as any other relevant processes, in order to obtain employment.
We are quite detailed and make extensive use of written and verbal references. It is a prerequisite that we have the possibility, in the event that you are shortlisted, that we can obtain references related to your previous employers. It must be the person you have a reference to. (We do not ask for references where you work today, only if you, in writing, give your consent.)
This only happens at the end of the process, and again, we will ask you first for your permission for this. Here, you also know the identity of our client.
We work globally and will always approach your references first to obtain their written commitment to participate as a reference. The information we receive will be gathered together as a concluding reference report to also protect the referents.
In the event that your references do not recommend you for a job in the future, you will receive a refusal for the position.
We reserve the right not to elaborate on a refusal of an application. This is mainly due to various international legislations, which are quite different, and we do not want to enter into a dialogue about why someone was chosen or not chosen.
Our choice will always, in cooperation with our client, be the candidate that the client believes best matches the position, and often these can be very small details that make up the client’s decision.
For reasons of confidentiality, especially towards our candidates, it is not possible to contact us and get a status confirmed in a process in relation to a recruitment or a search process, especially about a candidate’s confidentiality.
Our advisor will only contact you via the provided email, and if we need to talk to you, we will suggest a day or a time when we call your provided phone number. In this email, there will also be a numerical code that the advisor will ask to make sure we are talking to the right person.
We ask you to tell us the truth; any falsehood will take you out of the recruitment process. Should we come to a situation where we are in doubt as to whether something is true or false, we will typically have a dialogue with you about this. This applies to all candidates who participate in the course after they have attended the first personal interview.
We work with different types of telephone, virtual, and personal interviews.
In our agreement, our client is obliged to cover any transport costs that may arise for candidates to attend a physical personal interview. This covers a regular bus and/or train ticket. We do not cover transport in your own car, in any way. In individual cases, we can propose that candidates be flown in – economy class; our client must give permission for this in each individual case.
We do not cover taxi bills.
We do not cover payment for transport where we have not received original tickets and a receipt for the amount paid.
If you are from another country that is not part of Europe, you must have valid travel insurance that fulfils the requirements of the Danish authorities. If there is no travel insurance, we will take out insurance that covers your trip for the days you are in the country where the physical personal interview is held.
Citizens from the EU are covered by a blue health insurance card.
Additional information
In several cases, we may ask for more information if you choose to be invited to the first interview.
These questions can be:
- Which country are you based in, and where do you work today?
- Which passport do you have? This can be different from the country of work!
- After your conviction, do you have the opportunity to obtain a visa and work permit in the country where the position is allocated?
- If you are going to work in another country, for example, as an expatriate, you will typically have to have travel insurance or expatriate insurance. Here, we would like to ask if you have the opportunity to obtain such insurance.
In the event that you cannot be insured, it will be up to our client whether they want to see you as a possible candidate; it is not something we interfere in, but in the event that you are offered an expatriate employment agreement, expatriate insurance will often be included in your offer, since in some countries we see that it is the company that has taken care of you and why they want valid insurance. - In the event that there is a virus (such as covid-19) or another form of global impact that can affect your cooperation, either before or during your employment, you will typically see in the contractual conditions that employment can be cancelled in this case.
- There may be a question about a valid driver’s licence.
- There may be questions about whether the candidate can obtain a clean criminal record.
- You will be asked if you are covered by any clauses, including customer, competition clauses, and confidentiality agreements. This will happen at the first interview.
- If you are invited to a first interview, we ask you to bring a valid photo idea, as well as documentation for your diploma, as well as your diplomas and any other valuable documents.
- Have you planned a business trip or private trip within the next 3 months? We ask about this to ensure you have the opportunity to participate in any recruitment process.
- What are your expectations for salary and benefits?
- What are your expectations for an employment agreement?
Our data is subject to Danish and European legislation. We have permission to work as a recruitment company and inform all rules and legislation with a focus on the Danish Data Protection Authority as well as legislation and guidelines from the EU.
These rules cannot be deviated from under any circumstances.
The Danish Data Protection Agency: https://www.datatilsynet.dk/english
The official portal for European data: https://data.europa.eu/en
4selection is a registered company in Denmark, with Registered Company number: DK-29741239.
candidatedatabank.com er 4selections jobportal.
Our permission to have a recruitment company governed by Danish and European legislation.
Danish Data Protection Agency approval/reg no: 2006-46-0353.
Contact to dataofficer: via this link: https://4selection.com/contact/
Choose dataofficer
According to the legislation, we must inform you that you can always ask us to withdraw your consent, and we will thereby ensure that your material will be deleted. This will happen on the same day we receive this message from you. For journaling reasons, we are obliged to save data that can identify you as a candidate with us. We do this by saving your first name, last name, and email, so that we can confirm to the data protection authority that the data has been deleted and no longer exists with us.
We are aware that in the industry, sometimes have special agreements with the clients they assist, advise, and solve recruitment tasks for.
Some have rules that any candidates from the company’s own company or its own related companies are considered “protected”; in other words, the recruitment company will not allow these candidates to be included in a recruitment process for tasks the recruitment company solves.
This is not the case at 4selection, here all candidates will be evaluated on their full range of talent and assessed in relation to the position they have applied for.
All candidates are evaluated based on the full concept of talent, which for us primarily focuses on competences, knowledge, skills, experience, intelligence level, professionalism, as well as other competences and skills that a company has a desire or requirement for.
The focus in the selection is partly on whether we are convinced that the candidate can solve the work task, matches the company’s overall needs, and, not least, can succeed in the position.
4selection is a registered company in Denmark, with Registered Company number: DK-29741239.
Our permission to have a recruitment company governed by Danish and European legislation.
Danish Data Protection Agency approval/reg no: 2006-46-0353.