Day: September 16, 2020

Singapore is battling new clusters of coronavirus infections in migrant dormitories that had won the all-clear from authorities, highlighting the difficulty of stamping out the disease, even in a closely monitored population. As the wealthy city-state tumbled into recession, officials facing intense pressure to revive the economy are opting for limited isolation measures rather than […]Continue reading


Digital technologies are disrupting the business landscape. As technology opened the door to new ways of doing business, innovative operations and market strategies contributed to the blurring of industry boundaries and shifting of value chains. These dramatic transformations have had a profound effect on the types of workforce skills required by various industries.  IBM Institute […]Continue reading


COVID-19 has brought global economic instability at varying degrees. Singapore’s government announced that the nation’s economy is expected to shrink to more than 7 percent in 2020. The economic downturn has also affected international business expansion plans. Not only that, many business leaders are expected to make hard decisions when it comes to managing overseas […]Continue reading

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