Day: November 24, 2020

The world of work, including teleworking, is inevitably gendered. Under normal circumstances, teleworking might potentially disadvantage women, as they typically have to juggle between childcare, household chores and paid employment. But, on other hand, teleworking might also help them to facilitate their desired work-life balance. One prominent study found that female home-based teleworkers have slightly […]Continue reading


This article is a guest post. Forced to adapt and redesign work to encompass a flexible mix of on-site and remote arrangements, business leaders have now turned their attention to raising human productivity.  Work productivity can be a controversial topic in Asia, given how many employees here have had to conform to traditional tropes and […]Continue reading


Google recently offers a number of feature updates to its job application, Kormo Jobs. According to Operations Lead Kormo on Google’s Next Billion Users initiative team, Bickey Russell, this update goes hand-in-hand with increased app usage this year, as well as addressing job search challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. “The figure has doubled, which means […]Continue reading

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