Day: July 28, 2020

Economic expert warned that digitalisation and new technologies must be introduced in companies carefully, in a way that the digital transformation will not further worsen an already tough job market. According to Malaysian Institute of Economic Research senior fellow research Dr Shankaran Nambiar, encouraging digitalisation among firms was important but more attention must be given […]Continue reading


Most organisations will create a culture and environment that best reflect their values, mission and goals. Some also actively focus on engaging their employees as a key driver of success. Employee engagement is an emotional commitment employees feel towards their organisation and actions they take to ensure organisation’s success. Engaged employees demonstrate care, dedication, enthusiasm, […]Continue reading


Overview The Wellbeing @ Work Summit for Singapore is a senior-level event aimed at HR, Wellbeing, Benefit and business leaders, delivered in a virtual setting that encourages conversation, knowledge sharing and enables new connections. Responsible business practices and the health and wellbeing of our employees is paramount for business success. The Wellbeing @ Work Summit […]Continue reading

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